Friday, February 28, 2025

Browsing categoryBooks & Audible

Downloadable Audio Books: A Popular Trend

October 11, 2021

Audio books are a recording of traditional books, read by a narrator. They are available in abridged and unabridged versions. The abridged books are altered at the narrators’ discretion but still carry the original intent of the story. Unabridged titles are read word for word form the original printed text. Downloadable audio books are gaining popularity all over the world for many reasons but mostly because you don’t have to give up reading just because you are too busy. Many of us enjoy reading a good book...

Evolution of Books

October 11, 2021

A Book is anything that is in written, printed, or blank pages format fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. In other words, a book is a collection of leaves of paper or other material, bound together along one edge within covers. A book is also a literary work or a main division of such a work. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book. In the words of Cicero, "A room without books is like a...

Advantages Of Learning Through Audio Books

October 11, 2021

Books on tapes, audio books, and other audio learning devices are fast gaining popularity in the education field. In using audio book learning systems for the purpose of education, parents, teachers, and educators are relieved that its benefits are numerous. The increasing success of starting and struggling readers is often credited to using audio books as part of their learning process. Aside from this, there are other advantages in using audio materials not only in schools, but also in homes and other places. In...

Are there Anger Management Books Available

October 11, 2021

With anger management being used in many programs and situations, there are thousands of resources available to those affected. Beside support groups, individual counseling sessions and treatment centers, there are many anger management books available to help people deal with anger-related issues. There are anger management books written focusing on different groups such as children, teenagers, adults, men, women, couples, families and anyone who is involved in situations which may require anger management advice. Because of the diverse needs, these anger management books are written to...